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Birthstone Spotlight: Aquamarine

Birthstone Spotlight: Aquamarine
March has begun and spring is following closely behind! That means it’s time for us to learn about March’s birthstone -- aquamarine!

What is Aquamarine?

Aquamarine is a variety of beryl. Aquamarine must be blue or green-blue to be considered aquamarine and not another gem (emerald is also a variety of beryl). It is most often a light pastel blue or greenish-blue.

The History of Aquamarine

Aquamarine was named for its resemblance to seawater. The Latin word aqua means water while the Latin word marina means “of the sea.” 

Aquamarine’s history is full of interesting lore. It was once believed to give its wearers protection during battle or in litigation. Some believed it protected sailors at sea while others thought aquamarine could strengthen the happiness of marriages. It was also believed to make the wearer stronger, friendlier, and more intelligent!

Quality Factors

Aquamarine must be blue or greenish blue, but the most valuable variety is dark blue to a somewhat intense greenish blue. Most of the time, the purer and bluer an aquamarine is, the more desired it will be.

Aquamarine crystals are sometimes found in very large sizes, sometimes up to 100 lbs! These crystals can’t be used in jewelry, so there is not a high demand for them. For this reason, aquamarine’s per-carat price often decreases over 25 carats. 

How to Care For Aquamarine Jewelry

Aquamarine is a durable gemstone, but take care to avoid scratching it or knocking it on hard surfaces. You should also keep aquamarine jewelry away from intense heat and hydrofluoric acid. 

Aquamarine jewelry is safe to clean in ultrasonic and steam cleaners. You can also clean it at home using warm, soapy water and a soft brush. 

Interesting Facts About Aquamarine

  • Amethyst is the birthstone for March, as well as the gem for the 19th anniversary.
  • Aquamarine ranks as a 7.5 to 8 on Mohs Scale.
  • In 1936, the Brazilian government gave First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt a beautiful dark blue aquamarine weighing over 1,298 carats!
  • Aquamarine can be found in large sizes. The largest gem-quality aquamarine ever mined was 19 inches long and weighed 244 lbs!