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Frequently Asked Questions About Diamonds

Frequently Asked Questions About Diamonds
After decades in the jewelry industry, we have heard our share of questions about diamonds. Diamonds are the world’s most precious and sought-after gemstone. Anything this amazing and desired is bound to be wrapped up in some “untruths.” 

And since April is the month all about diamonds, what better time to answer some questions and clear up some myths about our favorite gemstone?

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions about diamonds:

How Can You Tell If a Diamond is Real?

We have customers come in all the time with clear gems they suspect might be diamonds. So, the question that follows is: how can you tell if a diamond is real? The best way to tell if a diamond is real is to have an expert examine it. We have special tools called “diamond testers” that can distinguish true diamonds from simulations. 

Diamond testers work by detecting how fast heat moves throughout the gemstone. Because diamonds conduct heat in a unique way, diamond testers can use this information to determine if a diamond is real. 

Is It True That Diamonds Can Never Break?

Diamonds are the hardest natural substance found on Earth, so many people assume that they are unbreakable. However, if diamonds were truly unbreakable, they would not be able to be cut into the gorgeous gems we use to adorn our jewelry. 

While it is true that diamonds are incredibly strong and difficult to break, it is possible to harm your diamond. If you hit it just right, diamonds can break or chip. To protect your diamond from damage, it’s best to remove it during certain activities, such as lifting weights, cleaning, swimming, working with tools, and sleeping. 

How Are Diamonds Formed?

Diamonds form deep down in the Earth’s mantle. Diamonds form under incredibly intense heat and pressure. After formation, diamonds are carried to the Earth’s surface by volcanic eruptions. Some scientists also believe that diamonds can form from the heat and pressure that results when an asteroid hits Earth.

Contrary to popular belief (and a meme or two), diamonds are not pieces of coal that “did well under pressure.” It’s true that diamonds are made of pure carbon, similar to coal. However, coal plays no role in the formation of diamonds. 

What are the 4Cs and What Do They Mean?

The 4Cs are color, clarity, carat weight, and cut. Here’s a summary of each of these quality factors.

Color: A diamond’s color is actually determined by its lack of color. Diamonds are typically colorless (or near colorless). Except in the case of fancy color diamonds, the more colorless, the more desired the diamond is. Colorless diamonds are also among the rarest. 

The color scale for diamonds ranges from D to Z, with the higher end of the scale being the most colorless. 

Clarity: Diamond clarity refers to an absence of inclusions or blemishes. The more clear a diamond is, the more valuable it will be. Diamonds with visible inclusions, or inclusions that threaten the integrity of the diamond’s structure, are much less valuable. 

The clarity scale for diamonds includes grades such as IF (internally flawless), VVS1 and VVS2 (very very slightly included), VS1 and VS2 (very slight included), SI1 and SI2 (slightly included), and I1, I2, and I3 (included). Diamond clarity is determined under 10x magnification.

Carat Weight: Diamonds are not sold by dimensions but by weight. Diamonds are weighed in units called carats. One carat is equal to .2 grams. So, a 5-carat diamond weighs one gram. 

Like most gemstones, diamonds’ value also goes up the bigger they are. Contrary to what you may think, a 2ct diamond does not automatically cost twice as much as a 1ct diamond. Rather, the value is determined by the diamond’s rarity, which includes many factors.

Cut: Of all 4Cs, cut is the most misunderstood. Cut does not only refer to a diamond’s shape, but also to the cut quality. How well a diamond is cut determines how much the diamond will sparkle, directly impacting its beauty. Cut quality also plays the largest role in the value of a diamond. 

Is One of the 4Cs More Important Than the Others?

All of the 4Cs play a role in the value of your diamond but the most influential is CUT. A diamond’s cut plays the most significant role in its overall beauty and value. Even an internally flawless, colorless diamond will not perform well (aka SPARKLE) if it isn’t cut properly. 

For example, if a diamond is cut too shallow, light will escape through the bottom (the pavilion) rather than reflecting back through the top. On the other hand, if a diamond is cut too deep, light can escape through the sides. This is just one of the many reasons why “cut” is the most important of the 4Cs! 

You can find more information about cut in this post: The Top Three Reasons Why Diamond Cut Matters

How Are Diamonds Priced? 

A diamond’s value is a reflection of its rarity. The rarer a diamond is, the more valuable it will be. However, rarity is not a direct reflection of a diamond’s beauty. In our experience, no one really cares how “rare” their diamond is -- they care about how beautiful it is! So, when shopping for a diamond, we never recommend shopping by the 4Cs. Instead, use your eyes! Learn about what makes one diamond different from another and determine for yourself what you think is the most beautiful. 


What are the Different Diamond Shapes?

Diamonds are cut into many shapes but there are only a handful that are usually placed into engagement rings. Round diamonds are the most popular because they are classic and out-sparkle every other shape out there. Diamonds also come in square shapes (called “princess cuts”), ovals, pears, and several others. 


How Can I Keep My Diamond Sparkling?

Diamonds are prone to getting dirty, especially in rings. To keep your ring sparkling all the time, it’s best to handle your diamond very little, because the gemstone will naturally attract oils from your fingers. 

Regular cleaning is also important. Most jewelers, including us, offer free ring cleaning. You can stop in any time to have your ring shined up at no charge. If you want a simple cleaning routine to complete at home, you can try soaking your diamond in water with a few drops of dish soap. Then, use a soft brush to gently remove any dirt. A toothbrush works great, but make sure it’s new. Do this once a week or as needed. 

You can also purchase cleaning solutions specifically for jewelry but be sure to read the label carefully. If the cleaner says it’s safe for diamonds and precious metals, you’re good to go.

How Important is a Diamond’s Certificate?

A “certified diamond” refers to a diamond that has been graded by an independent laboratory to identify certain quality characteristics. A diamond’s grading report, or certificate, is helpful for understanding more about the diamond you’re looking at, so they carry some importance. In fact, we rarely sell a diamond without one. 

However, we’ve found that many of today’s diamond buyers rely too heavily on grading reports. The truth is that you should never rely on what a piece of paper says about your diamond. Rather, you should think of it as a tool. Your primary focus should be on looking at the diamonds for yourself and determining what you want your diamond to accomplish.

For more on why we never recommend purchasing a diamond based on its certificate, check out this post: Why You Should Never Rely on a Grading Report to Buy a Diamond

You can find the other answers and lots of other useful information about diamonds on our blog! You can also stop into Koser Jewelers or give us a call at 717-653-4941.