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A Brief History of Diamond Engagement Rings

A Brief History of Diamond Engagement Rings

Diamond engagement rings have become a widespread tradition in our culture, but do you know how this tradition began? Here is a brief overview of the history of diamond engagement rings. 

How Engagement Rings Originated

The engagement ring tradition (as we know it today) dates back over 1000 years. The first engagement rings were given because there was often a long time between betrothals and weddings. 

In most societies, these rings were very basic and were typically just simple bands made of gold, silver, or iron. For many centuries, gemstones and diamonds were accessible only to royalty and the very wealthy. But over time, gemstones and diamonds became more available to the middle class. 

The History of Diamond Engagement Rings

The first diamond engagement ring can be traced back to 1477 when Archduke Maximillian of Austria proposed to Mary Burgundy. This exchange began a tradition that caught on in elite societies. However, engagement rings didn’t become popular among the masses until the mid-1900s.

In 1947, British-owned diamond company, De Beers, premiered a new advertising campaign. This campaign featured the slogan, “A diamond is forever,” and helped diamond engagement rings to soar in popularity. Within three years of the launch of this campaign, diamond engagement ring sales increased by 50 percent and the numbers continued to skyrocket. In fact, in 1939, only about 10 percent of engagement rings included diamonds. Today, that number is closer to 90 percent.

Why Have Diamond Engagement Rings Have Remained Popular

Diamond engagement rings’ popularity may have resulted from a marketing campaign, but diamonds have remained a staple for engagements for many reasons. Here are some of the reasons why diamonds are the perfect gemstones to include in engagement rings:

  • Diamonds are the hardest of all natural substances.
  • Nothing beats a diamond’s sparkle!
  • Diamonds are clear, so they go with literally everything.
  • Diamonds have an unmatched “allure” factor.
  • Diamonds have a rich history.
  • Diamonds are universally loved and treasured.


Stop in Soon to Koser Jewelers!

At Koser Jewelers, we are experts in all things diamond-related! If you’re in the market for an engagement ring, we would love to help you choose the perfect one. Stop in soon, browse our selection online, or give us a call at 717-653-4941.