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Birthstone Spotlight: Diamond

Birthstone Spotlight: Diamond

April has arrived (along with SPRING!) so it’s time to take an in-depth look at our all-time favorite gemstone - diamond!

What is a Diamond?

Diamonds are unique in the mineral kingdom because they are the only gems made of one element. They are made of 99.95% pure carbon. The remaining .05% can contain trace elements but they are not essential to the diamond’s chemistry. However, these trace elements can have an effect on the diamond’s color or shape. 

Diamonds form approximately 100 miles under the earth and are carried to the surface by volcanic activity. They are formed under extremely high pressure and heat. 

The History of Diamond

Diamonds have been cherished and sought-after for thousands of years. Before the 18th century, most of the world’s diamonds were found in India. Historians believe the diamond trade in India goes back as far as the fourth century BC!

The primary diamond source in the world has changed several times. As India’s diamond supply began to decline in the early 1700s, Brazil became a leading supplier of diamonds and stayed that way for 150 years.

Over the centuries, the demand for diamonds grew. Before this, diamonds had only been worn by royalty and the elite. However, as events like the French Revolution took place, wealth began to be distributed differently. Around the same time, large diamond deposits were discovered in South Africa, increasing the supply of diamonds worldwide. Today, diamonds are found in many countries around the world. 

Quality Factors

Diamonds have many quality factors, but the most famous are the 4Cs, which are color, clarity, cut, carat weight. 

Color: Diamonds are typically colorless (or near colorless). The color scale for diamonds ranges from D to Z, with the higher end of the scale being the most colorless. The most valuable and sought-after diamonds are colorless (with the exception of fancy color diamonds).

Clarity: Diamond clarity refers to an absence of inclusions or blemishes. The more clear a diamond is, the more valuable it will be. Diamonds with visible inclusions, or inclusions that threaten the integrity of the diamond’s structure, are much less valuable. 

Carat Weight: Like most gemstones, diamonds’ value also goes up the bigger they are. Contrary to what you may think, a 2ct diamond does not automatically cost twice as much as a 1ct diamond. Rather, the value is determined by the diamond’s rarity, which includes many factors.

Cut: Cut is the most important of the 4Cs and is the most misunderstood. Cut does not only refer to a diamond’s shape, but also to the cut quality. How well a diamond is cut determines how much the diamond will sparkle, directly impacting its beauty. Cut quality also plays the largest role in the value of a diamond. You can learn more here.

How to Care For Diamond Jewelry

It is safe to steam clean diamond jewelry and to put it in ultrasonic cleaners (but make sure your diamonds are all nice and tight first).  You can also clean your diamond jewelry at home with soap and a soft brush. 

Interesting Facts About Diamond

  • Diamond is the birthstone for April, as well as the gemstone for the 60th and 75th anniversaries.
  • Diamonds rank as a 10 on Moh’s scale. In fact, they are the earth’s hardest natural substance. The only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond! 
  • Many ancient cultures had beliefs about diamonds. Some believed diamonds gave their wearers courage and strength in battle.
  • In the Middle Ages, many believed diamonds had healing properties.
  • In 1905, the world’s largest rough diamond was found. It was named the Cullinan diamond and weighed 3,106 carats!