Fun Facts About Garnet: January's Birthstone

January’s birthstone, garnet, is less well-known than many other precious gems. However, garnet is a beautiful gemstone prized by many collectors and jewelry lovers. Here are some fun facts about garnet!
- Garnet is January’s birthstone and the gemstone for the 2nd wedding anniversary.
- Garnet rates as a 6.5 to 7.5 on Moh’s scale.
- The name “garnet” comes from the Latin word granatus, which means pomegranate.
- The term “garnet” actually refers to a variety of gemstones. These gemstones are composed of closely-related minerals and come in several colors, including red, orange, green, pink, and purple. Red garnets are by far the most popular variety, and are what most people think of when they hear “garnet.”
- In ancient times, the word “carbuncle” was used for red garnets and other red gemstones.
- Carbuncle is believed to be one of the four gemstones that God gave to Solomon.
- In ancient Egypt, pharaohs wore necklaces adorned with red garnets.
- Garnet intaglios were used in ancient Rome to stamp the wax on sealed documents.
- The King of Saxony is believed to have owned over 465 carats of garnet.
- Garnets were widely traded during the first century.
- In the Middle Ages, garnet was believed to cure depression, protect against bad dreams, and cure certain physical ailments. They were also highly favored by the clergy and nobility.
- Around the year 1500, red garnet became more available with the discovery of Bohemian garnet deposits in central Europe.
- A red garnet bead necklace discovered in an Egyptian grave is believed to be over 5,000 years old!
Shop our collection of garnet jewelry HERE.