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April Birthstones: Staff Picks for Diamond

April Birthstones: Staff Picks for Diamond
Today, we're diving into the world of diamonds - the sparkling gem that captivates hearts worldwide. Join us for a brief overview of our all-time favorite gemstone and see some of our staff’s current favorite diamond pieces!

What is a Diamond?

Diamonds form approximately 100 miles under the earth and are carried to the surface by volcanic activity. They are formed under extremely high pressure and heat. 

Diamonds are unique in the mineral kingdom because they are the only gems made of one element. They are made of 99.95% pure carbon. The remaining .05% can contain trace elements that are not essential to the diamond’s chemistry. However, these trace elements can affect the diamond’s color or shape. 

The History of Diamonds

Diamonds have been cherished and sought after for thousands of years. Before the 18th century, most of the world’s diamonds were found in India. Historians believe the diamond trade in India dates back to the fourth century BC!
The primary diamond source in the world has changed several times. As India’s diamond supply began to decline in the early 1700s, Brazil became a leading supplier of diamonds and stayed that way for 150 years.

Over the centuries, the demand for diamonds grew. Before this, diamonds had only been worn by royalty and the elite. However, as events like the French Revolution took place, wealth began to be distributed differently. Around the same time, large diamond deposits were discovered in South Africa, increasing the supply of diamonds worldwide. Today, diamonds are found in many countries around the world. 

Diamond Jewelry Today

Diamond jewelry remains as popular as ever! Diamonds continue to be the top choice for bridal jewelry, including engagement rings and wedding bands. Additionally, diamonds are the top choice for bracelets, earrings, and necklaces. See below for some of our staff’s current favorites!

Gifting Diamond Birthstone Jewelry

Diamonds aren't just for April babies—they're perfect for any occasion! As the most durable gemstone, diamonds can be safely worn daily in every type of jewelry. They can also be worn with any outfit, from T-shirts and jeans to formal gowns. Whether it's for big moments like graduations or just to show some love on anniversaries, diamond jewelry is always special and appreciated. 

Gift Ideas for Diamond Jewelry

Diamond Solitaire Earrings

Diamond solitaire earrings are a staple in every woman's wardrobe! We have diamond studs in stock starting at 0.25ct and up. 

Diamond Smile Pendant

This diamond pendant features 0.77ct of diamonds and is perfect for layering!

Classic Four-Prong Diamond Tennis Bracelet

This classic tennis bracelet features 5.82ct of diamonds in 18kt white gold.