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Is It OK to Wear Fine Jewelry in the Pool?

Is It OK to Wear Fine Jewelry in the Pool?

It’s summertime, which means pool season is in full swing! Have you ever wondered if it’s safe to wear your fine jewelry in the pool? If so, this post is for you! 

Why You Should Remove Your Fine Jewelry Before Swimming

The answer to the question, “Is it safe to wear my jewelry in the pool?” is a resounding, “No.” We do not recommend swimming with your jewelry on for two big reasons. 

1. The Chlorine Used in Pools Can Be Incredibly Damaging to Gold Jewelry

Actually, it’s not the gold itself in fine jewelry that is damaged by chlorine but the other metals. Pure gold (24kt) is rarely made into jewelry because it is very soft. Instead, gold is mixed with other metal alloys. Different karats of gold are created with different amounts of gold. For example, 18kt gold is 18-parts gold and six-parts metal alloys. These metal alloys in gold are what can be easily damaged by chlorine. 

Chlorine can also damage gemstones, so it’s best not take your chances. What’s most distressing about chlorine damage is that (most of the time) it’s irreversible, which means we won’t be able to fix the damage. For example, we’ve seen many gold chains that became brittle from chlorine exposure. These chains will continue to break again and again, even if we repair them. In the long run, these chains always need to be replaced. 

2. Jewelry is Easily Lost While Swimming

It’s way too easy to lose your jewelry in water – whether you’re swimming in a pool or the ocean. We have heard too many stories about men who wore their rings swimming on their honeymoons and lost them in the ocean. Our fingers expand and contract in different temperatures, so it’s possible for your ring to actually fit differently in cold water, which can cause it to easily slip off and be gone for good. 

Other types of jewelry, such as necklace, earrings, and bracelets, can also be lost in these environments, so it’s best to play it safe and leave all your treasures at home (or safely locked in your hotel room.)

Taking Care of Your Jewelry in the Summer

Here are some other tips that will help you take care of your jewelry in the summer:

  • Keep it clean: Sand, water, and sunscreen exposure can cause your jewelry to need some extra cleaning. To keep it looking its best, maintain a regular jewelry cleaning routine. At Koser Jewelers, we offer jewelry cleaning at any time at no charge. You can also clean your jewelry at home with warm water and a soft brush or cloth.
  • Store it safely: If you plan to go on trips without your treasures (or even head out for a day), make sure your jewelry is stored safely! Don’t leave it in an obvious place where anyone could find it and be sure to have everything insured (just in case). 
  • Store each piece separately: It’s also important to keep your items stored separately to prevent damage. Necklaces can easily tangle around other items, rings can scratch one another, and earrings can get mixed up and lost. To avoid these issues, find a jewelry box with separate compartments for each piece.
  • Have it inspected by a professional: We always recommend having your jewelry inspected regularly. Even if you don’t wear it in the pool, jewelry is exposed to a lot of wear and tear.Our professionals use magnification to get a close-up look, so they can see problems that can be missed by the naked eye. Inspections can prevent you from causing further damage, including the loss of diamonds or gemstones. 


Stop in Soon to Koser Jewelers!

Stop into Koser Jewelers so our jewelry experts can inspect your items and let you know if any repairs should be completed. Stop in any time or give us a call at 717-653-4941.