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November Birthstone: Staff Picks for Citrine

November Birthstone: Staff Picks for Citrine

Citrine, with its golden hues, is the perfect gemstone for fall! Learn more about citrine and see some of our current staff favorites below.

What is a Citrine?

Citrine is a variety of quartz. It is transparent and appears in a color range from yellow to brownish orange. It is rare to find in nature and when it is, it has often been confused for topaz. Most citrine that is used in jewelry today has been heat-treated to achieve its attractive yellow color.

The History of Citrine

Quartz gemstones have been treasured and used in jewelry throughout history. However, because natural citrine is rare, its history is less documented than that of many other popular gemstones. 

Some Victorian-era jewelry pieces contain citrine, suggesting these gemstones may have been cherished for hundreds of years. However, earlier generations may not have distinguished between citrine and topaz, so its early history remains somewhat unclear.

Citrine Jewelry Today

Citrine jewelry has gained interest in recent years and is appreciated for its unique charm.  From rings and pendants to earrings and bracelets, citrine offers a modern sparkle that complements any style.

Gifting Citrine Jewelry

Citrine jewelry makes a wonderful gift for November babies and anyone drawn to warm, golden tones. It symbolizes positivity and energy, making it perfect for birthdays or special occasions. Whether it’s a ring, pendant, or earrings, citrine pieces are versatile and can be worn for any event, making them a wonderful addition to any jewelry collection.

Gift Ideas for Citrine Jewelry