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Warning Signs That Your Jewelry Needs Repaired

Warning Signs That Your Jewelry Needs Repaired

Jewelry often includes some of our most precious possessions. No one wants to lose a diamond out of their ring or have their favorite tennis bracelet go missing. Since jewelry is made of precious metals, it will inevitably require some regular maintenance over the years. Here are some signs that it’s time to bring your jewelry in to be repaired. 

Signs Your Diamond Could Be Loose

Diamonds can become loose in rings in a variety of ways. Watch for these signs that your diamond might not be secure. 
  • A prong is short, bent, or broken: If you notice that one of the prongs on your ring looks damaged or shorter than the others, it’s best to get it checked right away.
  • Your center stone isn’t sitting level: If you see that your diamond is looking a little crooked, it might be loose and require tightening. Bring it in ASAP!

Other Signs Jewelry Needs to be Repaired

Engagement rings and wedding bands are not the only pieces of jewelry that require repair over time. Watch for these signs on your other items as well.
  • The bottom of your ring (also known as the foundation or shank) looks very thin.
  • Clasps on your necklaces or bracelets aren’t closing tightly.
  • Your pearl strands are stretched.
  • Links are broken on necklaces or bracelets.
  • There are sharp spots on your rings.

Leave Repair Work to the Experts

Repairing fine jewelry is delicate work, so don’t attempt it at home. Even if bending a prong into place looks simple, you could easily cause further damage by attempting to do it yourself. 

At Koser Jewelers, our repair work is completed on-site by trained jewelry professionals. Your treasures don’t need to leave our building and they are in good hands (literally)!

Stop Into Koser Jewelers

When in doubt, don’t hesitate to stop by Koser Jewelers and have your jewelry clean and checked. We perform jewelry inspections for free and we’ll be happy to tell you if we recommend any repair or restoration work.

Even if you don’t notice any signs of damage or wear, we recommend having your jewelry inspected at least once per year. It’s best to come in bi-annually with engagement rings and other pieces that are worn every day.

Stop in today or give us a call at 717-653-4941!