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When Should You Remove Your Jewelry in the Summer?

When Should You Remove Your Jewelry in the Summer?
For many of us, summer is when we all enjoy getting outdoors more often. Summer shenanigans are great, but they can sometimes wreak havoc on your jewelry. Here are some times you should consider removing your jewelry:

When in a Pool or Hot Tub

Before taking your next dive in the neighborhood swimming pool, make sure you’ve removed your gold and silver jewelry. Chlorine in pools and hot tubs can cause serious damage to precious metals and gemstones. 

When in Cold Water

If you plan on taking a dip in cold water, remember to remove your rings beforehand! Cold water causes our fingers to shrink, making it easier for rings to fall off and get lost. Rather than taking the chance of losing your rings, play it safe and leave them at home.

While Exercising

Depending on your choice of workout, you may want to consider removing your rings during exercise. Sweat can cause silver jewelry to tarnish quicker, so it’s best to remove anything sterling silver before hitting the gym. If you plan on lifting weights, you are probably best off leaving the rings at home.

While Gardening

If you are someone who loves to get your hands dirty in your garden, don’t forget to remove your rings! Dirt and small rocks can damage your rings, while gardening gloves can easily catch prongs and loosen your gemstones. 

If You Never Want to Take Your Jewelry Off

We meet people every day who insist on wearing their jewelry 24/7. While this isn’t highly recommended, we also recognize that it’s your jewelry and you’re going to do what you want to do! 

If you can’t remove your jewelry during these activities or simply don’t want to, at least be sure to insure your treasures. That way, if the worst happens, at least you’re covered!

Stop into Koser Jewelers!

Whether or not you’ve been following these guidelines about removing your jewelry, it’s always best to have it regularly cleaned and checked. Stop into Koser Jewelers so our jewelry experts can inspect your items and suggest any repairs that should be completed. Stop in any time or give us a call at 717-653-4941.