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Why Do Rings Feel Tighter in the Summer? (And What You Can Do About It)

Why Do Rings Feel Tighter in the Summer? (And What You Can Do About It)

Have you ever noticed that your rings feel tighter during the summer? This is a common complaint we hear from our customers. Here is an explanation of why your rings fit differently during different times of the year, what to do if you can’t get your rings on or off, and how to know if your rings are too tight. 

Why Your Rings Fit Differently in Different Seasons

It’s normal for your rings to fit differently during the different seasons. For example, the heat of summer causes many of us to retain more water, which leads to swelling in our fingers. Just a small amount of swelling can make a big difference in how your rings feel. As a result, even perfectly-sized rings will often feel tight in the summer. 

On the flip side, perfectly-sized rings will frequently spin in the winter. This phenomenon is completely normal and somewhat unavoidable. The goal with ring sizing is to have your rings fit comfortably most of the time. But because of finger fluctuations, it usually isn’t possible to have your ring fit perfectly 100 percent of the time.

What To Do If You Can’t Get Your Rings On

If your rings are feeling tight and you’re having trouble getting them over your knuckle, try this jeweler’s trick: Windex! Yep, Windex!

Windex won’t harm your rings’ precious metals and it doesn’t build up like lotion will. Spraying just a tiny bit of Windex on your finger is usually enough to help your rings slip on. If you don’t have Windex, a little soap and water will also work.

If Windex doesn’t do the trick, try to put your rings on at a different time of the day. Our fingers are more prone to swelling in the morning, so putting on rings immediately after waking up is not ideal. Instead, get dressed and do your morning routine, then try again.

What To Do If Your Rings Are (Actually) Too Small

In the event that you can’t get your rings on at all (no matter what time of day you try), you might need to have your rings resized. Stop in and see us at Koser Jewelers and have one of our jewelry experts take a look. We’ll give suggestions and let you know what’s best. 

How Tight is Too Tight? 

We’ve covered that it’s normal for your rings to feel tighter than usual in the hot summer months, but how tight is too tight? If your ring feels somewhat tight and is hard to remove, you’re probably OK. But if your finger starts to feel tingly, your ring could be cutting off your circulation and should be removed immediately. And if this is a regular occurrence, your ring will probably need to be resized. 

What If You Can’t Get Your Ring Off?

If you’re struggling to get a ring off your finger, try these tricks:
  • Apply some Windex, soap, lotion, or another lubricant to make your finger slippery.
  • Rock the ring back and forth (rather than twisting it) as you work it over your knuckle.
  • Try the wrap method using dental floss.
  • If your finger is very swollen, you can also try the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation).
    • Submerge your finger in a cup of ice water.
    • Hold your hand and the cup of water above your head for 10 minutes.
    • Remove your hand from the water and use your other hand to compress the finger with the stuck ring.
    • Try gently to remove the ring, adding Windex or another lubricant as needed.
    • If the process doesn’t work immediately, you can repeat it but take breaks in between attempts.

If none of these methods work (or you’d prefer not to try them), stop in to see us at Koser Jewelers. We might try some tricks ourselves. If necessary, we can safely cut your ring off. But have no fear -- we can also help you repair it!

Stop In To See Us Soon!

As always, if you have questions, stop in and see us at Koser Jewelers! It is our pleasure to see to all your jewelry needs.