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Proposal Stories

Nate & Arianna Steffy

It started as what seemed like an ordinary day in the middle of July. A beautiful, cloudless, perfect day. We decided that we were going to take the day and just hang out with each other, something that rarely happens with our busy schedules. We started the day by having breakfast, and then decided to go mini golfing. (I only lost by one!) After lunch and some downtime, Nate said he wanted to take me to a new restaurant for dinner. Instead of pulling into a restaurant, we pulled into the Lancaster Airport. There was a helicopter waiting for us that took us on the most amazing ride over Lancaster and York. My Aunt and Uncle have a beautiful pond in Mount Joy, and Nate asked the pilot if we could try and fly over it to see what it looked like from the sky. I thought it was a great idea! Once we arrived at the pond, we circled over and were talking about the party they must have been having since there were a bunch of cars lined up and some people under a tent. The pilot began to land, and the closer we got the ground, the more I recognized those cars! Nate asked me to marry him in front of our closest family, and it was perfect. It turns out that party was for us! It truly was the most special day. My crush since the 8th grade, soon to be my husband. July 10, 2016. Best day ever. Thank you Koser Jewelers, especially Suzanne, for helping Nate pick out the perfect ring. You made the whole process so enjoyable!!!


Taylor & Molly Moran

Taylor planned a special day for me in State College (where he took me on most of our dates). He had clues at some of our old "date spots" that led to the next spot. Each clue was a charcoal drawing. He had Sarah Longenecker hide at each location and take sneaky pictures (Sarah and David are AMAZING!). The end clue took me to his Pap's cabin where he had it all lit up (thanks to his fam!). When I put all the clues together it spelled out "Why would you want to marry me for, anyhow?" which is a line from Sweet Home Alabama, my favorite movie :-) I of course replied - "So I can kiss ya anytime I want". Then he got on one knee... I SAID YES! It was followed by an incredible dinner prepared by a private chef... THEN our dessert was brought out by our family who hid upstairs the WHOLE time. Best day ever!

Matt & Christina Hoover

Christina was so incredibly excited to be escaping to her favorite place in the world: the beach! She had just finished her reading clinical- the hardest course in her Reading Specialist Masters Program and was ready to lounge and bask in the sun. Matt joined the Olindo's in Sea Isle City on Monday (Aug 10) after he worked the weekend. The Olindo family rented a beautiful house in Sea Isle for the week. When he got there Matt tried to set his plot in place by asking Christina if she wanted to go on a walk later that night and search for shells. He claimed he wanted to make a beach themed bulletin board for his 5th grade classroom. Even though Christina insisted that "My grandmother has better shells in her garage from Florida", she agreed to go on the walk and look.

Hoping to propose right when the sun was setting, Matt got up around 5:30 and said he was going to walk back to the house to shower... thinking Christina would join him. Christina told him she was "still lounging" and would join him at the house later (She was in official beach bum mode). Luckily, they were both showered and ready for a walk right as the sun was setting. When Christina had her back turned, Matt laid down the shell he had written on and asked Christina to pick it up. It read... WILL YOU MARRY ME?? When Christina turned around, Matt was on one knee with the ring, and Christina said YES! (Then of course, they took a selfie)

Matt handed Christina two more shells which had messages from his parents on them, welcoming her to the family. Then, they exchanged hugs and kisses with Christina's family who were anxiously awaiting the news at the house!

It was a perfect moment, surrounded by loved ones, in such a beautiful place! Who could ask for more!?

Andrew & Breanna Kauffman

Living out a long distance relationship, there aren’t many days we get to spend together. Given an extra day off work for President’s Day weekend, I decided to fly home to see Andrew. Little did I know, this would be more than just a normal visit home. Andrew told me that the gift he ordered for Christmas had finally arrived, but to make it more exciting he said he wouldn’t just give it to me, I had to find it. On Saturday, February 13th, I met Andrew at his parent’s house. He gave me a pair of boots and gloves and told me that my gift was hidden over in the woods. We trekked outside through the snow. My only clue was to look in the places where we have spent time together in the last 5 years. I went to the tree stand where he took me hunting a few times: no gift. Next, I walked to the clearing in the woods where he taught me how to shoot his rifle. There I found the gift by a log (This was the same place where he had kissed me for the first time back in high school). We sat down on the log and I opened my gift. Then, he handed a second gift to me. It was a small square jewelry box. I opened the box and inside was a rock (a real rock). He said, “I got you a rock!” and waited for my reaction. I was confused and asked him if it had some type of significance. He said it did and proceeded to explain. He had picked up this rock from the beach the morning that we watched the sunrise and he told me that he loved me for the first time. He had saved it for over 3.5 years! He said, “This rock symbolizes my love for you then, and this rock... (pulling the Koser ring box from his jacket) symbolizes my love for you now.” Then he got down on his knee and so sweetly asked me to be his wife!

Josh & Alexis Kirchner

My fiance Josh and I were engaged on July 17, 2015. The week leading up to the proposal we spent on vacation in Sea Isle City, NJ with both of our families. On the last night of vacation, he suggested we go to the boardwalk in Ocean City, NJ for a date night. I thought it was a great idea. After dinner and a few board walk games, Josh suggested we get caricature to remember our vacation with, I liked the idea so we went to find a place. After finding an artist and sitting down, Josh started to get super nervous. We were talking about how great the vacation was and how happy we were with our relationship and our life together. After the artist was finished with the caricature, he turned it around and it was a caricature of Josh proposing and popping the question. Josh then dropped to one knee and asked me to marry him with a gorgeous ring from Koser! Of course I said yes! It was a vacation I will not forget!


Corey & Heather Radzik

It was Novemeber 7, 2014 the day after my birthday and we went hiking to one of our favorite spots, tucquan glen. When we made it to the 'perfect spot' Corey sat his phone on a ledge to take a picture. He was standing behind me for the picture and when I turned around to him he was down on one knee! He made sure to pop the question at 11:11, because he knew I always made a wish for us to be together at that time. And looking back on the hike it makes sense now why he would walk fast at times and slower at others, it was all part of his perfect timing.

Jason & Lisa Lyons

My fiancé and I got engaged on December 6th 2015. We were setting up the Christmas tree which is my favorite thing to do during the Christmas season since I love Christmas and I always take the ornaments out of the container and hand them to my fiancé Jason to hang up. One by one he puts them on the tree and tells me where he got them. Well I was taking out a red stocking ornament and he told me that it used to be his grandma's and she would surprise him and his brother and put money in there. My first reaction was ok that was sweet and I just set it on the table to be hung up. As soon as I set it down he asked if I wanted to check it for money and I thought sure that would be cool if there was still money in there. I opened the stocking and there was my ring. I was so confused because I know we came to Koser and looked at rings, I didn't expect anything to happen till the spring. Jason got down on one knee and proposed and it was so amazing. Now every year when we go to hang that ornament I can think about our proposal and one day share it with our children.

Josh & Alissa Good

The last weekend in October seemed just like an ordinary get-a-way with my boyfriend Josh and his family to their cabin. But little did I know, it was going to entail a moment that would change the rest of my life, forever. It was Halloween weekend and Josh had invited me to go to his family's cabin which is located in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere. I thought this would be a perfect time to get away from college and enjoy time with him and his family. I have been to this cabin many times before that, so it never occurred to me that this time would be different. Josh and I met during our freshman year at college and have been more serious coming into our senior year. We have had conversations about marriage, so I knew we were ready. It was Sunday morning and I was woken up from his brothers leaving early to go scouting for deer. We ate breakfast and everyone insisted that we go on a hike after.

This is a normal activity at the cabin to go on walks and hikes, so I didn't think any different. Josh's mom, dad, and dog joined us on the hike through the woods which led to an overlook on the side of the mountain. Josh pulled out binoculars from his backpack to look closer at the scene. He then offered them to me to take a look. I was enjoying the view and then he told me to check out the "white thing" as he pointed to this spot in the view. I thought it was some shed or something unimportant but I took a look anyway. I noticed it was a sign but it was too blurry to read. As I focused the binoculars I began to read what it said and saw the words in big red letters, "Alissa, will you marry me?" I was in shock. I tried to read it out loud but was at a loss for words. Then I saw out of the corners of my eyes Josh down on one knee holding an opened (Koser) box. He pulled me towards him, said some sweet words, and asked me to be his wife. I was so surprised but I said yes! The seemingly ordinary weekend quickly turned into a weekend that I will never forget.

Mitch & Heather Hershey

We got engaged on September 25, 2015. Heather thought that they were going to dinner with some friends after work, but Mitch had other plans for her. When Heather got to her car, there was a rose and a letter taped to her window saying that instead of dinner, she was going to spend the afternoon with some friends. Her friend Kim was waiting nearby to take her to her first stop, Koser Jewelers. At the store, there was a bracelet waiting for her, as well as a note telling her where her next stop would be.

Kim dropped her off at Pottery Works, where her friends Megan and Lisa were waiting. They made vases and hung out until Mitch's sister, Juliana, showed up with a note saying where they were going next - a salon nearby to get their nails done. Once their nails were looking pretty, Juliana dropped Heather off at The Greenfield Inn, where her friends Danielle and Taylor were waiting to have dinner. After the meal, Mitch's best friend Michael was waiting outside in a Porsche to take her to her final stop - Mitch's parents' backyard.

When Heather got there, there was a path lined with candles that took her to a table where there were roses and a photo book called "Why I Love Heather Haldeman." Each page had a picture and a reason why Mitch loves her. When she got to the final page, it didn't have a picture but only said "turn around." When Heather turned around, Mitch was waiting for her and after saying words that he doesn't remember, got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. And of course, she said yes!!

Garrett & Hannah Derr

December 1st, 2013 started off as a normal day but did not end as a normal day in the slightest bit. I woke up that Sunday morning to my mom calling my name, asking me if I wanted to quickly get dressed and drive to Rehoboth Beach, DE. My younger sister was at Rehoboth for her friend's birthday, but had called my mom that Sunday morning telling her that she needed to drive to Rehoboth to pick her up. My younger sister had realized when she was at the beach, that she was supposed to work that Monday morning- and her friends were not planning on coming home until Monday evening. After hearing all of this, I felt bad for my mom having to drive the whole way there to get my sister and then turn around and head home another 2 1/2 hours. I agreed to go with, and threw on some sweat pants; I came down stairs and my mom told me to go put on something a little nicer, because she wanted to do some shopping at the outlets before we picked up my sister. I changed cloths, and out the door we went. We made a fun day out of it, shopping, coffee, ice cream, lunch; and then my sister called saying that she was ready for us to pick her up. We headed towards the boardwalk- Grotto's Pizza to be exact. She was eating dinner there with her friends. We started walking towards the restaurant; the sun was setting and the sky was clear. It was a beautiful brisk evening. My mom started walking onto the beach, and I (very confused) started following her onto the white grainy sand. Then it hit me; there was my grandpa, dad, sisters, brother, grandmas...and there was Garrett. He was standing at the end of a candle lit path that twisted along the edge of the water. I couldn't believe it. How in the world did he pull this off! But it wasn't time for me to ask questions, I was ready for him to ask the question! I walked through the path, stopping at my mom, grandmas, and sisters who each had a different letter they read to me that Garrett had written throughout the months that we dated. I finally got to the end, and was handed a beautiful red rose, and as he said all kinds of cute things (that I can't remember because I was in total shock) he got down on one knee and pulled out the most beautiful ring I have ever seen! I of course shouted, "Yes!" and he placed the ring on my finger. That is where the next chapter of our love story began. :)

My Bag