5 Tips for Engagement Ring Shopping as a Couple

More and more, couples today are shopping for engagement rings together. Approximately 60 to 70 percent of our guests at Koser at least start the process of ring shopping together.
Here are some ways you can make ring shopping as a couple a fun and unforgettable experience.
Plan it as a surprise.
One way to make shopping for the ring together more fun is to plan it as a surprise. Even if she knows that the plan is to shop together, she doesn’t have to when you’re planning to go. Planning a surprise trip to the jewelry store is an exciting way to start the process and make it a memorable experience for both of you.
(Feel free to call us ahead of time and fill us in -- we would love to be part of the surprise!)
We see couples all the time who put way too much pressure on themselves when it comes to engagement ring shopping. We tell them all one thing -- RELAX!
This process should be enjoyable, not stressful! Take a deep breath and try not to worry if nothing seems right at first. You’ll eventually land on the perfect ring. In the meantime, have fun!
Try on lots of rings (but don’t overthink when you’ve found the one!)
When shopping for the ring, especially for the first time, it’s usually best to try on lots of options. Even when you think you know what you want, you’ll want to see it on your finger to make sure you’re happy with it. Trying on several options ensures that you’ll choose a style you like best.
Once you find a ring that you absolutely love, try not to overthink it! Trying on more rings is totally fine if it makes you feel better (and it should just confirm your decision). But sometimes, when you find the right one, looking at more rings can become confusing and unnecessary.
Don’t be afraid to buy the ring together.
Many couples choose not only to look at rings as a couple but also to buy the ring together. After all, if you’ve found the perfect ring, why wait?
You both already know that a proposal is on the horizon, but she doesn’t have to know when, where, or how you’ll pop the question. Most engagement rings need to be put together and sized after being purchased, so she doesn’t even have to know when you officially have the ring in your possession.
Shopping together doesn’t mean you have to buy the ring together, but don’t be afraid to if it’s what you both want.
Make an occasion out of it!
Another way to make engagement ring shopping as a couple more fun is to make an occasion of it! Go out to lunch or dinner afterward, or grab a few drinks to commemorate the experience. It doesn’t matter if you found the perfect ring or just started getting some ideas, you’ve taken a big step -- and that’s worth celebrating!
Start and Finish Your Search at Koser Jewelers
At Koser Jewelers, we pride ourselves on making the ring-buying experience simple, enjoyable, and special! Our jewelry experts will guide you through every step of the process and ensure that you find a ring you both love!
We look forward to seeing you soon!