How to Clean Earrings

Earrings are some of our favorite pieces of jewelry here at Koser Jewelers! However, if you’ve worn earrings for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed that they can get pretty gross. Earrings catch the residue from hair products, skin care products, as well as grease, dirt, and sweat from our skin. To keep your earrings sparkling, you’ll want to clean them regularly.
Here are some tips on how to clean your earrings!
What to Use to Clean Earrings
When cleaning fine jewelry at home, it’s best to use a designated jewelry cleaner. You can check the label on the cleaner to ensure it’s the right one for your earrings. For example, you’ll use a different jewelry cleaner for gold than you would for silver earrings. Be sure to read the entire label, because some cleaners can damage your pieces when not used correctly.
If you don’t have any jewelry cleaner at home, your best bet for cleaning your jewelry is to use warm water combined with a mild dish soap and a soft brush (toothbrushes are usually too abrasive). You can also use a soft microfiber cloth and a toothpick to poke at some of those hard-to-reach spots.
If you own earrings with soft gems such as pearls or opals, you must be especially careful when cleaning them at home. To be safe, use warm water and a soft makeup brush that has never been used before.
How to Clean Earrings
After you have your cleaning materials together, you’ll want to scrub (actually poke) your pieces with a soft brush. After scrubbing, rinse in water. To avoid loss, we recommend rinsing your earrings in a glass of water, rather than directly in your sink.
You can also wipe your earrings down using a microfiber cloth. Avoid using towels or paper towels for drying or wiping down your jewelry because they can get caught and leave behind tiny fibers.
If your earrings have little crevices that are hard to reach, you can sometimes clean them out with a toothpick.
Stop Into Koser Jewelers!
If you’re unsure or nervous about cleaning your earrings yourself, it’s best to let the professionals handle it! Jewelry cleaning is always free, so why not? Stop into Koser Jewelers some time soon and we’ll have your earrings sparkling like new in no time!