How to Remove a Ring That's Stuck on Your Finger

Every once in a while, rings get stuck. It could be that you pushed a ring on your finger that was a tad too small, or maybe your finger became swollen after you had the ring on. We often see rings that have been left on for many years, even as the wearer’s fingers changed sizes. In these cases, you may need to try some tricks to remove your ring.
If you find yourself with a ring that is stuck on your finger, here are some steps you can take to safely remove it.
Try Windex First
- Start by applying Windex (yes, Windex), soap, lotion, or another lubricant to make your finger slippery.
- Then, gently rock the ring back and forth (rather than twisting it) as you work it over your knuckle.
- Reapply the Windex or lubricant as necessary.
The Wrap Method for Removing a Ring
If that doesn’t work, try the wrap method to get the ring off with floss or thread.
- Slip some of thread/ dental floss under the ring, keeping most of it toward your fingertip
- Begin to wrap your finger in the thread or floss, starting at the top of your ring and moving up the finger (wrap it tight so the finger is compressed)
- Next, use the end of the floss/thread that was under the ring to push the ring up over the knuckle. This will unravel the floss/thread as you go.
How to Get a Ring off a Swollen Finger
If your finger is very swollen, you can also try the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation).
- Submerge your finger in a cup of ice water.
- Hold your hand and the cup of water above your head for 10 minutes.
- Remove your hand from the water and use your other hand to compress the finger with the stuck ring.
- Try gently to remove the ring, adding Windex or another lubricant as needed.
If the process doesn’t work immediately, you can repeat it but take breaks in between attempts.
Have the Ring Cut Off
If none of these methods work (or you’re not comfortable trying them), stop in to see us at Koser Jewelers. We have some of our own tricks for removing stuck rings. And, when necessary, we safely cut rings off.
If your ring does require cutting to remove, we will generally have you wait about a month before we repair and resize your ring rather than doing it right away. We recommend waiting so that your finger has time to recover from the swelling and so that we can achieve a proper fit.
When To Seek Medical Help
Sometimes, a stuck ring is a bigger problem. If you're experiencing any of the following, seek medical help:
- Severe pain
- Your finger discoloring
- You fail the capillary refill test (hold your hand above your heart, squeeze the tip of your finger until it turns white, and see how long it takes color to return. If the color doesn't return in two seconds or less, seek medical attention)
Stop In To See Us Soon!
As always, if you have questions, stop in and see us at Koser Jewelers or give us a call at 717-653-4941. It is our pleasure to assist you with all your jewelry needs!