Protecting Your Jewelry in the Winter

Winter has officially arrived. Winter presents some unique “dangers” to your jewelry. It’s important to be aware of these risks to keep your jewelry safe and in tip-top shape.
How to Protect Your Jewelry in the Winter
1. Make Sure Your Rings Fit Properly
The first thing you should do to keep your rings safe in the winter is to ensure they fit properly. In our experience, we have found that many people think their rings fit when they are actually too big. This is particularly problematic during the cold winter months because lower temperatures can constrict your fingers, making it easier for your rings to fall off.
If you think your ring is too big (or aren’t sure), stop in and see us at Koser Jewelers. Our jewelry consultants and bench jewelers are here to ensure that your ring is safe on your finger while fitting comfortably.
2. Have Your Rings Inspected
The winter is the perfect time to have your rings inspected by a trusted jeweler (like us)! During this time of year, many of us are wearing sweaters, as well as gloves or mittens -- all of which are prone to snagging our rings on. If you notice that your ring’s prongs have been catching, it’s important to have them checked to prevent further damage and potential gemstone loss).
Jewelry inspections are free and generally take only a few minutes. If your ring is in need of repairs, your jewelry consultant will tell you and provide an estimate for the work.
3. Consider Removing Jewelry During Winter Activities
If you are particularly active in winter, you might want to consider removing your jewelry at times to keep it safe. For example, it’s best not to wear your jewelry for winter sports like skiing and snowboarding. If a piece of your jewelry falls off while you’re on the slopes, you will probably never see it again, so it’s best to leave it at home.
If you do plan to wear your jewelry during winter sports, at least have it ensured before you go. Jewelry insurance often covers accidental loss and damage, so you’ll be covered in the event that something happens.
Stop in and See Us at Koser Jewelers!
In the winter and in every season, Koser Jewelers is here to serve you! Stop in to see us soon and allow us to take care of all your jewelry needs.