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Should You Sleep With Your Jewelry On?

Should You Sleep With Your Jewelry On?
When you’ve been in the jewelry industry for many years, you hear many of the same questions over and over again. One of those questions we get asked often is, “Should I take my jewelry off when I go to bed?”

It can be hard to decide if you don't know the pros and cons. You may be wondering if there is a downside to sleeping with your jewelry on, or if it's wiser to remove it before going to sleep.

Our answer: It depends. 

Most jewelers, including us, recommend that you take your jewelry off when you sleep. Here are a few of the reasons why you should consider removing jewelry before heading to bed.

Reasons Not To Sleep With Jewelry On

When you sleep with your engagement ring or other jewelry on, you risk breaking it. For example, chains on pendants can stretch, weakening them.  Engagement rings can get caught in your sheets or hair, loosening prongs. It’s also possible to damage rings if you accidentally hit them on your nightstand. You also risk scratching yourself or your loved one.

If You Never Want to Take Your Jewelry Off

On the other hand, we have plenty of customers who hate the idea of taking their jewelry off — ever! If’s that you, it’s OK!

Sleeping with your jewelry on certainly isn’t the worst thing you can do. Jewelry can withstand normal wear and tear, and the chances of damaging it while you sleep are relatively minimal. 

One of the benefits of keeping your jewelry all times is that you can’t lose it! If you don’t have a safe place to store your jewelry, or if you’re traveling and staying at a hotel, it’s probably best to leave your rings on. 

It’s ultimately up to you whether or not you want to remove jewelry before going to sleep. However, if you refuse to ever take your jewelry off, you should be prepared to have it repaired more often. And, be advised, some activities, such as swimming and using chemical cleaners, can severely damage your treasures  — sometimes beyond repair.

Stop in Soon to Koser Jewelers!

Whether you remove your jewelry at night or not, stop in and see us at Koser Jewelers at least once every six months so we can clean and check your items. Regular inspections prevent loss and further damage while allowing us to keep your jewelry sparkling clean!

We look forward to seeing you soon!